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Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1894 - 1896
Study for a Fountain with Youths Standing Straddle-Legged and Reaching Hands (verso: Figure Studies) - 1898
Sketch with Entwined Figures - 1894 - 1898
Sketch for an Entombment (verso: Sketches of Kneeling Youth) - 1898 - 1902
Page from the Sketchbook with Figure Studies - 1898