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Related archives

The personal archive of George Minne can be supplemented with a number of related archives. Amongst these, again we find letters that were composed and sent by Minne to various correspondents. In this way, important complementary information about the artistic and other activities of the artist are brought into focus. The scope of these correspondences somewhat alters the image of Minne as a stingy correspondent.
We limit ourselves in the choice of these materials to a representative selection, and they arrive in Belgium in the manner of coming from the archives of Octave Maus, Maurice Maeterlinck, Jacob de Graaff and Albijn van den Abeele. We mention here as well the letters dispersed in the archives of those such as Emile Vehaeren, Henry van de Velde and Isidor Opsomer. They are interesting complements, but not sufficiently for a mention as ‘closely related archives.'

Michel Vermote

 “Brief nr. 39.157, dd. 31/10/1918” (inv. 39157), © Archief voor Hedendaagse Kunst in België – Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel “Brief nr. 39.184, dd. 04/05/1923” (inv. 39184), collection de Graaff: “Brief nr. 39.157, dd. 31/10/1918” (inv. 39157), © Archief voor Hedendaagse Kunst in België – Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel